Surat al-Alaq is the first revelation of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira, this first revelation was not a whole one direct surah from surah al-Alaq, the first revelation that Allah revealed was only verse 1 - 5 of surah al alaq .
The first word of surah al alaq is Iqra which means READ. Read, the command of Allah to the prophet Muhammad SAW also belong to his people is commanded to read. However, the meaning of the word reading or reading is not simply translated into the meaning of reading, but reading here is not just reading.
Reading, properly reading, in the sense is not just as we read only books, it is still a simple meaning. In fact, the purpose God instructs to read is to make humanity truly read, so how does the real reading mean?
Some of the meanings of the word reading in the letter al Alaq, namely:
Iqra which means reading, means that mankind is commanded to read, reading is also meaningful by understanding or understanding the same as reading.
There's also something to say.
Read also means analyzing ..
And also with a wider meaning of theory and knowledge. Because reading is one of the gates of science then it also means to seek knowledge..Update knowledge even to the Chinese state ...